Guidebooks by Matt Leidecker

These guidebooks could quite possibly replace your best friend on your next trip to the Rogue or Middle Fork of the Salmon Rivers. Author, Matt Leidecker, is an ex-river guide and his dedication and expertise shine through in these mile by mile guides. The books contain detailed descriptions of the rapids, campsites, history and geology of both rivers. Terrain maps also show points of interest and side hikes complete with GPS coordinates. Whether you are reading up on where you’ve been or want to upstage the ECHO guides on your next trip with us, these books are must-haves for river enthusiasts everywhere.
Spiral bound and printed on durable, waterproof paper. And it floats!
Middle Fork of the Salmon River – 95 pages/color/copyright 2006
Rogue River – 95 pages/color/copyright 2008